Sunday 20 January 2013

Weight loss secrets

A growing number of women who most of her life overweight and constantly in a state of war with him. "Good" advice and "most effective" anti-obesity agents today abound. Ladies clutch at them as a safe haven, lose 5-10 kg, then the diet ends and returns to the initial weight.

Such tactics to combat overweight syndrome called accordion: it was on this musical instrument is like a body that is compressed, then stretched under the influence of diet and the subsequent "otedaniya." And over the years, "shrink", it becomes harder and harder, but it increases with surprising ease.

Lose weight in 7 days

Do women still do not understand what dietary restrictions such as "lose weight in 7 days, and then eat all you want" is meaningless? Maybe it's time to think about why you are so easily gain weight, and your friend who eats twice as much, does not get better?

Refer to an endocrinologist, who says that all you have in order to metabolism. If you find any violation, adjusting them, you get rid of extra pounds. But your doctor may refer to yet another, more common problem - a genetic predisposition to the active absorption of fats from food.

 What is your genotype?

Several million years of evolution to humans were not in vain. Hearty meal, when they could get food, alternated with long periods of starvation, and as a result of natural selection survive only those individuals that are able to accumulate more fat and, therefore, through the hard times. In our time, a property of the body brings more harm than good. At a time when a lot of food and it is nowhere "not going away", "wasteful" genotype is feeling better. And overweight people are increasingly ill, they often are diagnosed with "infertility."

Eat properly

If you have carefully examined and no metabolic disorders have been found, need to understand one simple thing: you eat more than you need. Took time to create other food habits! For example, soup, which was appropriate in a half-starved life, now is not necessary: ​​there are a lot of "extra" calories, it day by day "stretches" your stomach. Changing habits, you can "find", "find" that the composition and quantity of products that allow you to maintain a healthy weight throughout life.

 In losing weight should go "to the end"

And another thing to remember. Having made ​​the decision to lose weight, be sure to "reach" the medical standards. That is, if you have 25 extra pounds, get rid of all twenty-five, not five or ten. Remember, fat - it's a big endocrine gland that secretes substances that contribute to an increase in deposits. Therefore, the lower the percentage of body fat, the less, regardless of affiliation to a particular genotype, you are prone to obesity. Just having a normal weight, you will be able to fully eat without gaining an "extra", and will be able to get rid of the diseases that have fat people!

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