Saturday 26 January 2013

Cold Wave and Precautions

Cold wave over a large part of world, with temperatures felt up to -18 ° C. Reminder to take actions to protect the health of the most vulnerable.In most countries provides weather for the coming days a cold spell very important which will affect a large part of France, especially this Thursday, January 17 . Experienced temperatures may range from -10 ° C to -18 ° C. Some departments are even in situations of "extreme cold" with temperatures experienced lower than -18 ° C. Directorate General of Health said in a statement recalled the key steps to take to prevent the effects of cold on health , particularly for vulnerable populations (homeless, infants, elderly or with certain chronic cardiovascular, respiratory or endocrine) . the cold, but the cold wind and snow can actually be harmful to health and cause frostbite, hypothermia, asthma, angina pectoris, etc. . Therefore vigilant and adopt the following reflexes:
- Limit outdoor activities if you're one of those at risk. Except
imperative, avoid going out with your baby during cold weather .
- The cold requires additional effort to the body, including the heart which beats faster to fight against cooling. Thus, it is better to limit physical exertion even when you are healthy .
- If you must go out, cover up warm (hat and scarf to cover your mouth) and lace up your shoes with non-slip to avoid falls.
- Be particularly vigilant for infants and children .  Avoid placing your baby in a baby carrier , which may compress the lower limbs and cause frostbite. It is preferable that your child is carried in the arms, a pram or stroller so he could move periodically to warm up.
- If you see a homeless person in difficulty, contact a social service as the Samu Social Paris in the capital, which can be reached at 115.
 -  At home, have your heating system by a professional . Do not overload wood stoves and portable heaters to prevent fires and poisoning by carbon monoxide . DGS recommends outlaw space heaters using fuel, for the same reasons. Maintain a sufficient temperature (19 ° C), including in the room and close unused rooms. Do not obstruct above vents.

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