Sunday 27 January 2013

14 rules for a healthy sleep

There are some concepts called sleep hygiene. Proved if the person complies with the basic rules of hygiene, then his dream becomes stronger and healthier.

1. Make it a certain routine, and try to wake up constantly in the same time, regardless of what day it is working or off. Thanks to all the functions of your body will be able to return to normal and adjust to certain hours. If you adhere to this simple rule, you can forget about insomnia, and well plan your next day. Before going to bed you will not have to count sheep, you can easily and quickly fall asleep.

2. need to go to bed only when sleepy. Otherwise, do not force yourself to sleep, even if you have to get up early in the morning - this can lead to even more stress to your body. And if you went to, but you can not sleep, you have to change the situation. Sit in your favorite chair and enjoy a what - something quiet and relaxing, such as reading or embroidery. At the first sign of drowsiness should go back to bed. This can be repeated as many times as you need.

3. You should clearly define the space to your sleep - the bedroom. Make sure that you fall asleep only in the bedroom, because it is a sacred place intended for that. Bedroom - a place to sleep, for sex, and in case you get sick, there can lie down. In any case you can not work in the bedroom!

4. If you do not sleep at night - in any case can not sleep during the day. But if you still feel a lack of energy during the day and go to sleep, in which case you should try to do it in the same time period of no more than 45 minutes. This time, for most people, this is enough time to rest and gain strength. The most appropriate hours for this dream is about 2 - 3 hours in the afternoon.

5. More navigate. Necessary to maintain a constant physical activity. Do not forget that the peaks of readiness of the organism to the power loads are considered at 11:00 am till noon, and at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Biorhythms are not random, they are in order to give the body the braking distance vpyat - six hours before bedtime. Constant physical activity necessary for use of energy, and also relieve stress. You end the most intense load early, at least 7 of hours before thinking to go to sleep, and before going to bed, try to walk in the fresh air. Well-known fact that a good anti-depressant is oxygen, it perfectly enhances the mood and relieves stress. Based on this, it makes sense to accustom themselves to the airing of dormitory at bedtime.

6. Do not smoke before bed. Scientifically proven that it is the nicotine, like other drugs, acts detrimental to the normal metabolism in the body. Strongly recommended to drink alcohol because it dehydrates the body, and because of your sleep will be shallow, and you will not be able to fully relax and gain strength. And as a consequence of this you will have a headache, depression, and fatigue. All this is reinforced by the decay products of harmful alcohol use, and they are not immediately removed from the body.

7. not drink coffee at night. You can have a cup of coffee in less than six hours before bedtime. Of course, all the different reaction to caffeine, but still many are subject to the direct action of caffeine. Having used a cup of coffee, you'll secure your floor - the nights of insomnia. I have a rule of thumb, I try not to drink coffee after 4 pm, because then I could not fall asleep until at least after midnight.

8. All lovers eat before bedtime, can breathe a sigh of relief. Eat before going to bed can be, but without fanaticism. Proved that the food is a good antidepressant. The most ideal option for the body to be a glass of milk or sour milk.

9. How sadly to say this, but for a strong and healthy sleep is to limit the time spent at your computer monitor, as well as and the TV. It is well known that it was on the TV and the computer, we get a lot of bad news and stress. If you get cut at least half the time, you can get rid of insomnia.

10. should not abuse the sleeping pills. These drugs for those who do not sleep. You're not a patient person, so do not use such drugs. Do not forget this moment, as any drug has a toxic effect on the body, and may even cause some side effects. So without a doctor's prescription is not necessary to use the pill.

11. A third of our life takes place in a dream, so you should look at the fact, on which you sleep. Be certain that you were sleeping on the right pillow and mattress. Quality linens will help you relax, and save you from painful tension joints and bones. And do not forget about your spine - it is a direct extension of your brain.

12. Love yourself, create the conditions for a good sleep. Such as, for example, a warm bath, ten minutes of reading a favorite book, a light snack. Pamper yourself!

13. use natural flavors of herbs and different oils. For example, lavender oil, it will calm you and develop a conditioned response in the body prepare for sleep.

14. And most importantly do not break the rules of the day! Do your procedures regularly, eat regularly, plan your day on a regular basis. Start waking up at the same time!

How not to get tired at the computer

Agree that in today's world, most people working time in sedentary positions, move a little, and make the appropriate disease. Working in the office is usually related to a permanent seat at the computer monitor, and it is even more detrimental to health than simple congestion and bad posture muscles. Additionally it also spoils vision, and there are headaches. Further banal tips teach you to sit at a computer.

1. Follow back. standard office chair is well treated with your spine, but for a long time, no seat will not save you from fatigue and stress. Make it a rule - every 10 minutes to check and straighten your posture, very quickly it will become a habit and help you keep your back a young and flexible.

2. Your feet should be fully pressed to the floor, the height of the chair should be at your height. knee pain, tight feet can distort your gait, and this will have an impact on the spine.

3. Place the items in convenient places, so you do not have to stretch them, this will allow you to do the same work with fewer movements, which means you'll soon be able to rest and warm up.

4. Keyboard, mouse, graphics tablet should be not above or below the elbow. Keep your wrists, they should not depart anywhere, people often work with the keyboard, feel pain, if not trained. Effective solution - ergonomic keyboard with palm rest. Also pretty good exercise, strengthening the wrist - squeezing their fists.

5. Try to position the middle of the screen exactly in the direction of your view, is the most comfortable position for the eyes and the neck. Work best for widescreen monitors, as they are "stretched" by the "form" view. Keep the monitor closer than two feet, even LCD. Vision is not spoiled by the radiation, and from relaxed eye when viewing closer objects. This is based on exercises for the eyes: the distance approximation view of close and distant objects. Perform this gym as often as possible, the best - every hour.

6. Every two hours give yourself at least 5 minutes of complete rest, complete the case independent of the computer, make a small charge, knead the muscles. Good help squats and stretching the spine.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Dieting Days

It is difficult to overstate the importance of fasting days for the body. If you want to maintain your normal weight or lose a few pounds, then you can not do without fasting days.

Fasting days helping the digestive tract a rest from digesting heavy meals, clean and include the reserve forces of the body. They make it possible to maintain normal weight and contribute to overall rejuvenation of body cells. Also fasting days accustom your body to eat less and conscious approach to eating.

- Cottage cheese (500 g cottage cheese or cheesecakes, 5 receptions)
- fruit (1.5 kg raw or baked apples, 5 receptions)
- cucumber (the same as the apple)
- raw vegetables (1.5 kg of cabbage, tomato, radish, carrot, lettuce, cucumber with a little vegetable oil or cream, 5 receptions)
- watermelon (1.5 kg of pulp, 5-6 receptions)
- kefir (1.2 - 1 5 liters of yogurt or sour in 5-6 doses).
You can choose the product that best suits your stomach and the type of food cooking.

If you like apples and acidity can eat them in large quantities, then every 3 hours Eat 300 g of these useful cleaning fruit. Apples contain pectin, which act as a broom. Total for the day should eat no more than 1 kg 800 g apples.

Cucumber is very good day, which is especially useful for people with overweight. At 5-6 receptions per day to eat 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers. If you have to physical work, then add 1 to it boiled egg without salt.

In watermelon watermelon season indispensable fasting days, which are perfectly washed kidneys, beneficial effect on the whole body.

In addition to watermelon, during such unloading is permitted occasionally to eat a piece of bread (better than yesterday). Some insist on limiting the amount eaten watermelon, offering use of 300 g at a time. In which case the daily rate of 1.5 kg watermelon reception. But if you're sitting on a watermelon for several days, then you can safely eat it without restriction.

During the day kefir drink 1.5 liters of buttermilk for 5 receptions for 300 g every 3 hours.

Very useful to fasting and fasting days, at least one day a week. If you are used to such a regime of restrictions, you can add one daily fasting once a month.

The rules for fasting days

Eliminate the intense physical and mental stress. Try to spend the day in a relaxed atmosphere as possible at home. After handling of the day do not immediately jump-place for food. Your body is an "all or nothing" - shock

Eat more plain water - at least 2.5 liters a day! Fasting days well accompany the purification of the body: to go to the bath or sauna, swim in the pool, get a massage.

Do not perform the fasting days during pregnancy and breast-feeding during illness, the presence of liver disease and kidney disease, diabetes mellitus type 1, without consulting with your doctor.

Cold Wave and Precautions

Cold wave over a large part of world, with temperatures felt up to -18 ° C. Reminder to take actions to protect the health of the most vulnerable.In most countries provides weather for the coming days a cold spell very important which will affect a large part of France, especially this Thursday, January 17 . Experienced temperatures may range from -10 ° C to -18 ° C. Some departments are even in situations of "extreme cold" with temperatures experienced lower than -18 ° C. Directorate General of Health said in a statement recalled the key steps to take to prevent the effects of cold on health , particularly for vulnerable populations (homeless, infants, elderly or with certain chronic cardiovascular, respiratory or endocrine) . the cold, but the cold wind and snow can actually be harmful to health and cause frostbite, hypothermia, asthma, angina pectoris, etc. . Therefore vigilant and adopt the following reflexes:
- Limit outdoor activities if you're one of those at risk. Except
imperative, avoid going out with your baby during cold weather .
- The cold requires additional effort to the body, including the heart which beats faster to fight against cooling. Thus, it is better to limit physical exertion even when you are healthy .
- If you must go out, cover up warm (hat and scarf to cover your mouth) and lace up your shoes with non-slip to avoid falls.
- Be particularly vigilant for infants and children .  Avoid placing your baby in a baby carrier , which may compress the lower limbs and cause frostbite. It is preferable that your child is carried in the arms, a pram or stroller so he could move periodically to warm up.
- If you see a homeless person in difficulty, contact a social service as the Samu Social Paris in the capital, which can be reached at 115.
 -  At home, have your heating system by a professional . Do not overload wood stoves and portable heaters to prevent fires and poisoning by carbon monoxide . DGS recommends outlaw space heaters using fuel, for the same reasons. Maintain a sufficient temperature (19 ° C), including in the room and close unused rooms. Do not obstruct above vents.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Weight loss secrets

A growing number of women who most of her life overweight and constantly in a state of war with him. "Good" advice and "most effective" anti-obesity agents today abound. Ladies clutch at them as a safe haven, lose 5-10 kg, then the diet ends and returns to the initial weight.

Such tactics to combat overweight syndrome called accordion: it was on this musical instrument is like a body that is compressed, then stretched under the influence of diet and the subsequent "otedaniya." And over the years, "shrink", it becomes harder and harder, but it increases with surprising ease.

Lose weight in 7 days

Do women still do not understand what dietary restrictions such as "lose weight in 7 days, and then eat all you want" is meaningless? Maybe it's time to think about why you are so easily gain weight, and your friend who eats twice as much, does not get better?

Refer to an endocrinologist, who says that all you have in order to metabolism. If you find any violation, adjusting them, you get rid of extra pounds. But your doctor may refer to yet another, more common problem - a genetic predisposition to the active absorption of fats from food.

 What is your genotype?

Several million years of evolution to humans were not in vain. Hearty meal, when they could get food, alternated with long periods of starvation, and as a result of natural selection survive only those individuals that are able to accumulate more fat and, therefore, through the hard times. In our time, a property of the body brings more harm than good. At a time when a lot of food and it is nowhere "not going away", "wasteful" genotype is feeling better. And overweight people are increasingly ill, they often are diagnosed with "infertility."

Eat properly

If you have carefully examined and no metabolic disorders have been found, need to understand one simple thing: you eat more than you need. Took time to create other food habits! For example, soup, which was appropriate in a half-starved life, now is not necessary: ​​there are a lot of "extra" calories, it day by day "stretches" your stomach. Changing habits, you can "find", "find" that the composition and quantity of products that allow you to maintain a healthy weight throughout life.

 In losing weight should go "to the end"

And another thing to remember. Having made ​​the decision to lose weight, be sure to "reach" the medical standards. That is, if you have 25 extra pounds, get rid of all twenty-five, not five or ten. Remember, fat - it's a big endocrine gland that secretes substances that contribute to an increase in deposits. Therefore, the lower the percentage of body fat, the less, regardless of affiliation to a particular genotype, you are prone to obesity. Just having a normal weight, you will be able to fully eat without gaining an "extra", and will be able to get rid of the diseases that have fat people!

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Advice of experts on nutrition during pregnancy

Pregnant women should be included in the diet of eggs, chicken, beans and broccoli.

According to scientists at Cornell University, it will help protect children from high blood pressure and mental health problems in later life. The secret lies in the B vitamins - choline, writes The Telegraph.

Experts do not exclude that in the near future doctors will prescribe to pregnant supplementation with choline as they now prescribe folic acid to prevent birth defects such as spina bifida (a malformation of the spinal cord).

The study authors examined the changing levels of epigenetic markers (optional "add-on" DNA, which has a significant impact on the operation of the genome). In the experiment, was attended by 26 pregnant women who are in the third trimester.

One group received 480 mg of choline daily (through diet and supplements), and the other - 930 mg. When you receive a large dose considerable connections attached to the DNA of women, changing the genes that regulate hormonal activity in the body. Genes responsible for the production of cortisol (a hormone associated with stress and metabolic disorders), were "turned off", and the level of cortisol in the blood of infants is reduced by 33%.

Supervisor, Professor Eva Pressman suggests that women who suffer from anxiety and depression, increase the level of cortisol in the blood, could "benefit from supplementation with choline, for them it is a great security measure." "This is a fairly cheap means having no side effects, if you follow the recommended daily allowance," - said the expert.

Previously, scientists at Boston University said that choline slow aging of the brain, improves memory, reduces the risk of vascular disease of the brain, a stroke and dementia.

Scientists named the most useful morning drink

 Orange juice, drunk in the morning, prolongs youth body, strengthens the immune system and prevents fat, writes UBR.UA . Breakfast squeezed orange juice, man prolongs youth body, conducts prevention of obesity and other unpleasant diseases, U.S. researchers said.

As noted in an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, endocrinologist at the University of Buffalo conducted an experiment involving 30 people aged 20-40 years. All volunteers received the same breakfast (a sandwich with sausage, scrambled eggs and potatoes), with one group of food washed down with sweet water, the second - with plain water, and the third - orange juice.

Blood samples of the subjects, conducted over one, three and five hours after breakfast, showed that perfect morning drink is orange juice. In his drunken people blood glucose levels were lower and the level of charge of the immune chemicals - is higher than the rest. That is, it is the fresh orange juice for breakfast can be a good prophylactic of diseasescardiovascular system, metabolic abnormalities, diabetes and obesity.

Due to high concentrations of active ingredients juice works as an antioxidant, counteracting free radicals and neutralize inflammation. "We have demonstrated that high-calorie foods with essential fats and carbohydrates is best to drink orange juice," - said the study's lead author, PhD Husam Ghanim.

Sunday 13 January 2013

The first signs of hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders are not always specific symptoms. Often their symptoms are similar to symptoms of various illnesses, and are sometimes regarded as only cosmetic damage.

1. Slimming amid increased appetite. Under the advertising slogan 'Em - means losing weight! "May be hiding a person with increased thyroid function. In addition to weight loss, usually unwarranted worries and long body temperature 37-37,5 0C, interruptions in the work of the heart, excessive sweating, trembling fingers, mood swings, nervousness, sleep disturbances.
 2. Obesity can be not only a problem unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Obesity is accompanied by many endocrinological disorders. If the fat is deposited evenly throughout the body, appetite, or changed, or somewhat mitigated worries dry skin, weakness, lethargy, constant drowsiness, hair loss and hair breakage, it is likely loss of function of the thyroid gland. Such people have a sensitivity to cold, drop in body temperature and blood pressure, hoarseness, recurrent constipation.
 3. excessive growth of body hair (gipertirhoz) often indicates a violation of the sex glands. This symptom often speaks of excess testosterone in women. Hypertrichosis in this case is usually accompanied by an increased fat content of the skin, the appearance of acne, dandruff. Is a violation of the menstrual cycle.
4. Purple stretch marks (striae) - a sign of disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Often, this process involves the adrenal glands. Stretch marks appear on the skin of the abdomen, inner thighs, in the breast. This breaks and sexual function. A specific feature is krizovoe high blood pressure to high numbers, low immunity.
5. Impaired vision can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system. The rapid and sustained loss of vision, accompanied by frequent headaches, is a cause for suspicion of pituitary disease. The characteristic feature is the loss of the temporal visual field, often develop other hormonal regulation mentioned above. 6. Constant itching should be an occasion to determine the level of sugar in the blood, and may be an early sign of diabetes. This itching often occurs in the perineum (that makes contact with a gynecologist or a dermatologist). There is thirst, dry mouth, increased the amount of urine and frequent urination. become common disease furunculosis. Wounds and scratches heal very slowly, gradually developing weakness, fatigue. Some of these symptoms may be regarded by us as banal signs of fatigue, lack of vitamins, the effects of stress at work and home.

However, in matters relating to health, better perestarhovatsya. Indeed, failure to consult a doctor can greatly reduce the possibility of cure and cause serious human health

Friday 11 January 2013

10 ways to save vision

Eyes - is the tool through which we see our world, accumulating information, conceptualize and realize their environment. Vision - a gift of nature, which should be protected. However, in the age of computers, people became more and more time in front of the screen. The strain and eye fatigue in people's eyes began to tear, and in some cases, some have begun to pay attention to the fact that their vision was worse. So what to do in this situation? How to keep your vision and prevent the emergence of serious eye diseases. Here are a few simple tips on how to keep your eyesight.

Quit smoking

If you have this bad habit, it affects not only the lungs but also affects the quality of your vision. Smoking increased intraocular pressure, which causes a variety of diseases.

Eat blueberries

Blueberries increase visual acuity, reducing eye strain and helps prevent some eye diseases. Blueberries can be frozen and eat all year round. This is much better than the blueberry tablets.

Take a multivitamin

Statistics show that people who use vitamins, less prone to eye disease.

The correct position of the monitor

When you work with a computer, the monitor should be placed slightly below eye level. So, your upper eyelid will be omitted, reducing the evaporation of the fluid in the eye and reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome.

Often walk

Walking out a beneficial effect on the entire body, including vision. After all, we relax in nature and relaxing your eyes.

Protect your eyes from the bright sunlight

In sunny weather, always wear quality sunglasses. Do not skimp on your vision, buy cheap sunglasses, which not only protect the eyes from sunlight, but also harmful.

Eat more greens

Green onions, parsley, dill, lettuce, celery, etc. Greenery is very useful to view. Also include in your diet beets and dishes from it - it contains zinc, necessary for the maintenance of visual acuity, and iron, which promotes the formation of red blood cells, you need to view, and the whole body.

Rest your eyes

If your work involves a computer or reading a book, at least once every hour to rest your eyes. Focus your eyes on any one point in 30 seconds.

Monitor the level of your blood pressure

Many eye diseases are directly related to high blood pressure.

Safety glasses when working

If you swim in a chlorinated pool, working with welding or just to clean up the street - always wear special goggles to prevent damage to the cornea.

Follow these simple tips and you'll keep your vision for years to come. After all, our vision, as well as health in general - is the most important treasure in the world, which depends primarily on how we will be protected.

Why to take up Yoga

No one will deny that yoga is on the rise - it seems that every second person is engaged in yoga. Clothing and equipment for yoga produce large firms, the range of books and video tutorials is growing every day. New yoga studio opens more often, classes are held in fitness centers, in the workplace and among friends. Doctors and physical therapists, celebrities and friends - all with one voice glorify the dignity of yoga as a universal means of "all-in-one", thanks to which the retreating disease, increases stamina, the body becomes more fit and obedient, and the mind peaceful. What exactly are the this ancient discipline and how it can be useful to us?
Yoga - this is a practical philosophy, not a religion, and it does not require adherence to any particular belief system. The word "yoga" is a Sanskrit word meaning union, bond integrity. Yoga dates back to the ancient traditions of India, and became popular in the West, it is an excellent way to maintain mental and physical health of the modern man. This is a traditional Indian philosophy, which implies a unity of body and spirit necessary for good health. Unity and inseparability of body and mind is to strengthen communication with the subconscious.
"Yoga - a practical philosophy. Step by step, it helps to face the real world and at the same time to develop spiritually. Yoga creates a balance between selfish happiness peace and happiness that man spreads around.
Yoga helps to get rid of chronic pain in the lower back, which with age beginning to worry, even those who lead an active and healthy life.
All strong emotions and the more traumatized leave a mark in our body. Regular practice gradually frees the body from the terminals, and with it dissolved and subconscious blocks.
Yoga improves mental ability. A two-year experiment showed that a group of American university students, practicing meditation, significantly increased intelligence quotient (IQ), as compared to the other group of students from the same course.
Yoga in general and bandhas (energy locks), in particular, improve the circulation in the sexual glands in men and women, and stimulates the pelvis, which in turn has a positive impact on gender relations.
Regular practice of yoga helps to fight heart disease, beneficial effects on the immune system and the state of the connective tissue (which is formed from her bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons), prevents osteoporosis, gives a feeling of vitality and energy.

A lot of yoga does not happen. However, quite regularly, at least 20 minutes a day for you to feel as listed above, the benefits of yoga practice. Start doing yoga today! No bones about it, drop their prejudices and others do not give excuses (I have no time, place, conditions for yoga, friends laugh at him.) All you need is you and your desire. Do yoga yourself - home videos and books on self-help books, or better yet, join a yoga studio and learn yoga under the strict guidance of an experienced instructor.

How to cleanse the human body

The human body has to be cleaned as well as inside and outside the cells accumulate "waste material" that "walled" cells. And that leads to some malfunction of cells, disease and even death. One example of a "litter" of the human body is Alzheimer's disease (in England of about 500,000 patients), diabetes, allergic reactions, atherosclerosis, etc.

More doctors give such a terrible statistics, in the human body to the 30 years of accumulated about 12 pounds of fecal deposits. So how can the human body work effectively, while almost all the organs in the mucus, toxins and poisons.

What to do? How to cleanse the human body?

One answer, you need two times a year (spring and autumn) to clean the body, and to do it regularly. This program includes a gradual cleansing of all systems of the body, from the intestine and ending lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Bowels in several ways.

You can use an enema with a decoction of herbs. This procedure is done every day in the morning for a week.

The second way to clean-holding vegetable days. For this purpose, any seasonal vegetables or juice from them.

Worked well bran and flax seed. Bran is used before meals - 1 tablespoon with a glass of warm water. Flax seeds on a coffee grinder and grind to 1 teaspoon added to food.

Liver and gall bladder can be cleaned with vegetable oil or decoction of oats. Last except the liver and clean the blood. The same well-proven and tyubazh. This procedure is carried out using xylitol, sorbitol. The doctors have a place to be and own methods of purification, for example by Malakhov, Neumyvakin or Nikolaev.

Cleansing the lungs is carried out at home with pine needles or milk. And also there is a special set of breathing exercise  to clean up the pulmonary system.

Joints for traditional medicine offer various cleaning methods that will help you not only to remove the salt, but also improve the lubrication and nutrition of cartilage. For this purpose, you can use radish juice, decoction of roots of sunflower, rice cleansing.

Course full clarification should last at least a month. It is very important to maintain consistency and regularity. Before the procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor.