Tuesday 12 February 2013

Outdoor fitness: how to walk will help to improve the shape

Modern man lives his life at a furious pace, and still manages to eat harmful food and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, you need to regularly monitor the fitness and nutrition, but there are other ways to keep fit.

Outdoor fitness - it is a way of exercises just for a walk, on the way to work or home, in any suitable and not suitable locations. The only condition for this course - comfortable shoes and clothing, and it can be quite even sports.

Examples of exercises for outdoor activities

You can perform the following exercises at any moment, even if your hands and head at that time occupied very different:

Squeeze-unclamping buttocks. So your butt will be a round and firm. And the best part is that this exercise can be done almost anywhere, anytime, and in parallel to make their case. If you can learn to squeeze all the muscles of the perineum, you can consolidate all of the internal organs of the urogenital system - these exercises are Kegel complex;
Retraction and relaxing the stomach. At first glance - a futile, even and easy. But, in fact, after a week you will notice pulled stomach;
Then become the toes, the heels. If you have a sedentary job, this exercise will be particularly useful. Had the free time (in line, public transport), raise and lower (up and down) on the fingers, heels, let your legs to improve blood circulation (which is - another plus in the fight against varicose veins and swelling of your feet delightful). To enhance the effect, become the toes on the step or threshold;
Stretch, straighten shoulders, shoulder blades back together, lift his head high, pull your stomach and try and walk at least a little. You will not notice, as will become slimmer and more confident about what you're told colleagues first, because it is very noticeable from the outside;
Returning home, instead of traveling in a close and stifling public transport, get a couple of stops early and just run through. The smell of sweat you will not terrible, but you'll come running home a totally new person, running clear you will remove the bad thoughts a hard day you can relax, switch and think of something pleasant. Well, your pocketbook and good for the health. Pace and speed is selected so that you feel comfortable, let it be even brisk walking or jogging;
Get on the road to do a couple of simple jumping height - excellent;
Lift your knees high while walking, at least a couple of times. The first time you will be unpleasantly surprised at what bad shape your body, but your muscles gradually become accustomed to stress, become resilient, and you will do the exercises harder and taking more load with pleasure;
It is worth paying attention to the chest. Fold your hands in front, palm to palm, a little print elbows forward and squeeze hands, as if in between there is a small rubber ball, and you want to crush it. Will be seen, both during lessons chest will rise slightly. This is a simple and very effective exercise can return the old form, even after prolonged breastfeeding;
Another simple way to restore the beauty of the breast or keep it longer: Become the wall at chest and pressed his palms rest against the wall. Change the position of the body, put the first one and then the other leg forward, bending at the knee. If the physical condition allows, and can be wrung from the floor;
Squat, it is a difficult but very productive exercise for the legs and back;
Make your circular movements of the upper torso, feet shoulder width apart, hands on his belt;
If on the way to work, you'll come across a variety of sports facilities, you can take a chance and do a couple of exercises and there!
Well, if you spend a day off a couple of hours in the park, running, playing ball with the kids or friends. Such a pastime (outdoor fitness) will give you a huge energy boost, energy and strength for the whole working week.

Monday 11 February 2013


Women who drink 4.6 cups of coffee a day, rarely develop cancer of the corpus uteri, and men - prostate cancer. This effect does not depend on whether a person is using a regular drink or equivalent without the caffeine content.
Many people limit the number of drinks a cup of coffee, because it increases the pressure. But the drink has health benefits. People who regularly drink coffee, rarely get sick with diabetes type 2, gallstone disease , colon cancer and Parkinson's disease . A recent study by British scientists, seized 67,000 women. Those of them who drank more than four cups of coffee a day were 25% lower risk of developing endometrial cancer (uterine lining) compared with those who drank one cup a day.
Scientists have also studied the habits 50,000 men. Those who drank more than six cups of coffee a day, 18% less likely to become ill with prostate cancer and 60% at least - one of its most dangerous form. Perhaps the coffee has a positive effect on the level of insulin, which can stimulate the growth of tumors. Drink improves assimilation of glucose, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The researchers are reminded that it is not necessary to add to each cup of coffee sugar or cream. The extra calories may negate the benefit of the drink.


Back in 2005, the WHO warned that Hookah Smoke contains toxins that cause oncology lung and other cancers, as well as cardiovascular, respiratory and other diseases, reports the press service of the Cabinet . In this case, a hookah can be much more dangerous to health than Tobacco.

While smoking Hookah Tobacco blend is heated by burning coal, which is placed on top of the mixture - in the air does not just tobacco mixture combustion and coal, and carbon monoxide (CO). It is toxic in small doses, causes headaches, dizziness, and in large doses can cause death. In addition, the combustion of coal in the Hookah formed many carcinogens, heavy metals.

An additional danger of Hookah Smoking is that hookah smoke passes through the water. Water filters, mainly substances that form the smell of Tobacco Smoke, and not harmful substances. It also cools the smoke, so that Hookah Smokers are tightened further and toxic substances Smoke fall into the lower part of the lungs, increasing the risk of severe respiratory diseases.

People who Smoke shisha in public places, are at risk of infectious diseases, as devices are not fully sterilized after use by another person. Particles of saliva other consumers will certainly fall into the water, through which the Smoke, so when Smoking Hookah can spread tuberculosis, influenza, herpes, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases.

In a mixture of water pipe Tobacco is usually added glycerin and many other substances. If glycerol is overheating, forms toxic substance acrolein. Impact on the health of many other substances that are added to the Hookah, has not been investigated and may also submit additional danger. The Tobacco blend technologically very easy to add illicit drugs and other substances. Besides, sometimes the Hookah Smoke is filtered through water is not, and in alcohol, which is another risk factor.

MOH also recalls that since late last year entered into force a law banning Smoking Hookahs and other Tobacco products in many public places and workplaces, including schools in all areas of restaurant management.


U.S. researchers have identified a molecule TIC10, which activates protein TRAIL, helping defeat Cancer. Because this protein  is not toxic to the body, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
The immune system is constantly checking if there is a Cancer in our body cells. If it finds them, the work enters the protein TRAIL, which inhibits the development of tumors. But if there was an error, and the Cancer progresses, this mechanism ceases to operate, leading to uncontrolled growth and spread of tumors. Molecule TIC10, which activates protein TRAIL, has small dimensions and thus can overcome the barrier between the bloodstream and the brain. This is very important in the treatment of brain tumors. Scientists have carried out experiments in mice, which showed that TIC10 can be effective, natural and safe method of Cancer therapy. Researchers hope that this mechanism will work in humans.


Potatoes are used as a cure for Stomach Ulcers. Potatoes eliminate the Stomach and heartburn. Folk medicine has long been used as a Potato cure Stomach Ulcers. This is now his property is proved scientifically, because experts from the University of Manchester (Manchester University). Potatoes contains unique antibacterial molecules that can prevent the emergence of bacteria that live in the Stomach. With the help of these molecules can be cured Atomach Ulcers and heartburn.
The process of extracting yet unnamed molecule is patented. Perhaps in the future Potato juice is used as an additive, such as yogurt with probiotics. 
Importantly, unlike antibiotics to Potato juice from pathogenic bacteria can not develop resistance. Besides Potato has no side effects, writes The Daily Mail. 
Stomach Ulcers caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Traditional treatment is based on the use of heavy and toxic antibiotics.

Sunday 27 January 2013

14 rules for a healthy sleep

There are some concepts called sleep hygiene. Proved if the person complies with the basic rules of hygiene, then his dream becomes stronger and healthier.

1. Make it a certain routine, and try to wake up constantly in the same time, regardless of what day it is working or off. Thanks to all the functions of your body will be able to return to normal and adjust to certain hours. If you adhere to this simple rule, you can forget about insomnia, and well plan your next day. Before going to bed you will not have to count sheep, you can easily and quickly fall asleep.

2. need to go to bed only when sleepy. Otherwise, do not force yourself to sleep, even if you have to get up early in the morning - this can lead to even more stress to your body. And if you went to, but you can not sleep, you have to change the situation. Sit in your favorite chair and enjoy a what - something quiet and relaxing, such as reading or embroidery. At the first sign of drowsiness should go back to bed. This can be repeated as many times as you need.

3. You should clearly define the space to your sleep - the bedroom. Make sure that you fall asleep only in the bedroom, because it is a sacred place intended for that. Bedroom - a place to sleep, for sex, and in case you get sick, there can lie down. In any case you can not work in the bedroom!

4. If you do not sleep at night - in any case can not sleep during the day. But if you still feel a lack of energy during the day and go to sleep, in which case you should try to do it in the same time period of no more than 45 minutes. This time, for most people, this is enough time to rest and gain strength. The most appropriate hours for this dream is about 2 - 3 hours in the afternoon.

5. More navigate. Necessary to maintain a constant physical activity. Do not forget that the peaks of readiness of the organism to the power loads are considered at 11:00 am till noon, and at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Biorhythms are not random, they are in order to give the body the braking distance vpyat - six hours before bedtime. Constant physical activity necessary for use of energy, and also relieve stress. You end the most intense load early, at least 7 of hours before thinking to go to sleep, and before going to bed, try to walk in the fresh air. Well-known fact that a good anti-depressant is oxygen, it perfectly enhances the mood and relieves stress. Based on this, it makes sense to accustom themselves to the airing of dormitory at bedtime.

6. Do not smoke before bed. Scientifically proven that it is the nicotine, like other drugs, acts detrimental to the normal metabolism in the body. Strongly recommended to drink alcohol because it dehydrates the body, and because of your sleep will be shallow, and you will not be able to fully relax and gain strength. And as a consequence of this you will have a headache, depression, and fatigue. All this is reinforced by the decay products of harmful alcohol use, and they are not immediately removed from the body.

7. not drink coffee at night. You can have a cup of coffee in less than six hours before bedtime. Of course, all the different reaction to caffeine, but still many are subject to the direct action of caffeine. Having used a cup of coffee, you'll secure your floor - the nights of insomnia. I have a rule of thumb, I try not to drink coffee after 4 pm, because then I could not fall asleep until at least after midnight.

8. All lovers eat before bedtime, can breathe a sigh of relief. Eat before going to bed can be, but without fanaticism. Proved that the food is a good antidepressant. The most ideal option for the body to be a glass of milk or sour milk.

9. How sadly to say this, but for a strong and healthy sleep is to limit the time spent at your computer monitor, as well as and the TV. It is well known that it was on the TV and the computer, we get a lot of bad news and stress. If you get cut at least half the time, you can get rid of insomnia.

10. should not abuse the sleeping pills. These drugs for those who do not sleep. You're not a patient person, so do not use such drugs. Do not forget this moment, as any drug has a toxic effect on the body, and may even cause some side effects. So without a doctor's prescription is not necessary to use the pill.

11. A third of our life takes place in a dream, so you should look at the fact, on which you sleep. Be certain that you were sleeping on the right pillow and mattress. Quality linens will help you relax, and save you from painful tension joints and bones. And do not forget about your spine - it is a direct extension of your brain.

12. Love yourself, create the conditions for a good sleep. Such as, for example, a warm bath, ten minutes of reading a favorite book, a light snack. Pamper yourself!

13. use natural flavors of herbs and different oils. For example, lavender oil, it will calm you and develop a conditioned response in the body prepare for sleep.

14. And most importantly do not break the rules of the day! Do your procedures regularly, eat regularly, plan your day on a regular basis. Start waking up at the same time!

How not to get tired at the computer

Agree that in today's world, most people working time in sedentary positions, move a little, and make the appropriate disease. Working in the office is usually related to a permanent seat at the computer monitor, and it is even more detrimental to health than simple congestion and bad posture muscles. Additionally it also spoils vision, and there are headaches. Further banal tips teach you to sit at a computer.

1. Follow back. standard office chair is well treated with your spine, but for a long time, no seat will not save you from fatigue and stress. Make it a rule - every 10 minutes to check and straighten your posture, very quickly it will become a habit and help you keep your back a young and flexible.

2. Your feet should be fully pressed to the floor, the height of the chair should be at your height. knee pain, tight feet can distort your gait, and this will have an impact on the spine.

3. Place the items in convenient places, so you do not have to stretch them, this will allow you to do the same work with fewer movements, which means you'll soon be able to rest and warm up.

4. Keyboard, mouse, graphics tablet should be not above or below the elbow. Keep your wrists, they should not depart anywhere, people often work with the keyboard, feel pain, if not trained. Effective solution - ergonomic keyboard with palm rest. Also pretty good exercise, strengthening the wrist - squeezing their fists.

5. Try to position the middle of the screen exactly in the direction of your view, is the most comfortable position for the eyes and the neck. Work best for widescreen monitors, as they are "stretched" by the "form" view. Keep the monitor closer than two feet, even LCD. Vision is not spoiled by the radiation, and from relaxed eye when viewing closer objects. This is based on exercises for the eyes: the distance approximation view of close and distant objects. Perform this gym as often as possible, the best - every hour.

6. Every two hours give yourself at least 5 minutes of complete rest, complete the case independent of the computer, make a small charge, knead the muscles. Good help squats and stretching the spine.