Monday 11 February 2013


Back in 2005, the WHO warned that Hookah Smoke contains toxins that cause oncology lung and other cancers, as well as cardiovascular, respiratory and other diseases, reports the press service of the Cabinet . In this case, a hookah can be much more dangerous to health than Tobacco.

While smoking Hookah Tobacco blend is heated by burning coal, which is placed on top of the mixture - in the air does not just tobacco mixture combustion and coal, and carbon monoxide (CO). It is toxic in small doses, causes headaches, dizziness, and in large doses can cause death. In addition, the combustion of coal in the Hookah formed many carcinogens, heavy metals.

An additional danger of Hookah Smoking is that hookah smoke passes through the water. Water filters, mainly substances that form the smell of Tobacco Smoke, and not harmful substances. It also cools the smoke, so that Hookah Smokers are tightened further and toxic substances Smoke fall into the lower part of the lungs, increasing the risk of severe respiratory diseases.

People who Smoke shisha in public places, are at risk of infectious diseases, as devices are not fully sterilized after use by another person. Particles of saliva other consumers will certainly fall into the water, through which the Smoke, so when Smoking Hookah can spread tuberculosis, influenza, herpes, hepatitis, and other infectious diseases.

In a mixture of water pipe Tobacco is usually added glycerin and many other substances. If glycerol is overheating, forms toxic substance acrolein. Impact on the health of many other substances that are added to the Hookah, has not been investigated and may also submit additional danger. The Tobacco blend technologically very easy to add illicit drugs and other substances. Besides, sometimes the Hookah Smoke is filtered through water is not, and in alcohol, which is another risk factor.

MOH also recalls that since late last year entered into force a law banning Smoking Hookahs and other Tobacco products in many public places and workplaces, including schools in all areas of restaurant management.

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