Saturday 8 December 2012

How to cleanse the body of toxins

Everyone wants to live long and still be active, to work productively or widely rest. According to the German physician Marcus Loksa, this can be achieved if you declare war on the toxins polluting our bodies.
Locke argues that toxins cause headache, pain in the soft tissues and joints, irritability, respiratory, cardiac and gastrointestinal diseases, allergic reactions such as rash, runny nose, and cough. Excess toxins causes of diseases associated with immune system disorders. These include rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
However, the body can be released from accumulated toxins in it and thus relieve it of toxins caused by chronic diseases. And in general, the body is actively engaged in this alone and was quite successful, but more often fail. After all, according to Marcus Laux, "in 1915 created more than four million new chemical elements, and their effect on the human body in 80 percent of cases is unknown."
In order to help our kidneys, liver, and other organs of our body clean, offered a post in which you can consume only natural juices, is a real elixir of life. To start fast every week for three consecutive days. Then - once a week, once a month, for 3 days every 6 months. While fasting drink a lot of divorced boiled or mineral water fresh vegetable and fruit juices.
Cleanse the body of toxins, and simultaneously provide it with energy and nutrients to any of the following combinations of fruits and vegetables recommended for juices (components can be combined in arbitrary proportions): carrots, beets, celery, carrot, apple, celery, carrot, cucumber , spinach, parsley, garlic, apple, strawberry, mango, apple, banana, orange, carrot.
In addition, as far as possible, avoid ingestion of chemicals, only use natural cleaning products (vinegar, for example), if possible eat more natural foods, to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables thoroughly rinse them before cooking, cut the use of food additives and hormones .
"Your liver - a very important organ. If it is not functioning properly, your body is exposed to toxicity (poisoning), and as a result ill," - said Dr. Locke. So you need to take antioxidants in the form of vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, which protects the liver from damage by free radicals.
Be sure to eat more nutrient-rich greens (spinach, mustard greens, parsley) - they contain a lot of chlorophyll, a potent detoxifier. And of course reduce the consumption of alcohol - it gives extra burden on the liver and makes it difficult to work.
"In order to help your body eliminate toxins and prevent them accumulate regular post. Give yourself exercise, sauna, to induce sweating to eliminate toxins from the body. Every day, taking a shower, brushing with a soft bristle brush or sponge to massage your skin - it stimulates the skin toxins, opens pores and stimulates metabolism "- advises Dr. Locke.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Honey: It is important to know!

Honey - this is not just a natural tasty treat, but also one of the most delicious drugs!
Honey can not be heated.After heat treatment saddle loses its beneficial properties and as a result is only one glucose. This is important if you honey is consumed directly as a medicine. Wrong to add it to hot tea - at a temperature above 37 it becomes a normal-calorie sweetness. Better to just eat a couple of spoons of honey and drink tea.
How to identify a fake?
It's enough to dilute the honey with distilled water and add 3-4 drops of iodine. If it goes dark, then, for the manufacture of this product used starch or flour. You can check in another way: Put a few drops of vinegar to honey and if he hiss, then chalk present in honey, which has been added for greater density.
How to store?
If you do not break the rules of storage, honey can be safely stored for several years. Keep it at room temperature in a glass jar (in any case, do not put it in the fridge!) By the winter of real honey is sure to turn into a dense mass, and after - crystallized.

5 products, which will increase the hemoglobin

Hemoglobin helps our body to breathe in the literal sense of the word - it nourishes every cell in the body with oxygen. Low hemoglobin can lead to fatigue, irritability, and anemia. Fortunately, you can raise the level of hemoglobin with diet.

Love the seafood: fish, mussels, oysters - they are full of a certain type of iron, hemo-iron, which is best absorbed in the body. The fish is recommended to drink at least 2 times a week.
Buy-products, namely - the liver. The liver of some animals - chicken, beef, pork - also contains a high level of required hemo-iron. However, if you are overweight or cardiovascular disease, the constant use of the liver may not be the best way to prevent anemia, as this product is rich in saturated fat and calories.
Nuts and seeds are also replenish iron stores in your body. In addition to this essential trace element, they also contain other nutrients - polyunsaturated fats, bioflavonoids.
Greens and salad plants: squash, spinach, lettuce, celery. If you enter them in your daily diet, your health will benefit from it - they will enrich the body with iron, as well as essential vitamins and minerals.
Beef - also an excellent source of hemo-iron, but other than him - cholesterol. Therefore, the beef can not be recommended as a meal every day for people who are overweight.